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Ecstatic Dance is a DJed Wave Dance on a peak sound system. It starts slow & melodic, builds to an ecstatic peak and comes back down. This is therapeutic for the body, releases blockages and allows you to go through a journey and healing.


Ecstatic dance is a form of dance in which the dancers, experience freedom. Without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy.


DJ Kimba Jade loves to bring in all her international experience to create a unique Ecstatic Dance to move you!


“When we dance together we celebrate Gratitude and Connection”


Ecstatic Dance is all about enjoying the movement, great exercise, freeing your mind, savouring your body, and connecting with yourself and/or other dancers. 


If you love to MOVE & DANCE, this is the place for you. Dance your pain, excitement, fears and dreams, anger and joy.


Each time we begin with an opening circle in silence as the concept and journey of Ecstatic Dance is explained.


All depending, Kimberley likes to begin with yoga or her unique Meridian Energy Balance. By Meridian Tracing - through the 5 Elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. A powerful way to shift blockages, balance your system and raise your energy and vibration.


Live musicians and Kimba's Bass guitar will also be incorporated into the journey!


 'Alchemic Dance Floor Whangarei Dates to be announced soon! For powerful energy shift and alchemy.


See gigs page or go to facebook page and get all the upcoming info and dates!


Kimba is a DJ, Kinesiologist, Sentaura Practitioner and DJ Trainer. Passionate about music, exploring sound, its healing benefits and Ecstatic Dance. 

Kimba has been spinning tunes for over 20 years. Coming from DJing professionally in Bars and Clubs, she now prefers to take people on a journey via melodic music that moves both bodies and hearts.  

"My vibronic alchemical sets explore many genres and infuse oriental, tribal and ethnic tunes with my love of all things deep and bassy "

Kimba's passion to DJ and facilitate energy infused dance workshops has seen her at Festivals and Ecstatic Dance events in NZ, Australia, Europe and the USA. She now teaches DJing and Ecstatic Dance online and in person.


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Kimba Jade - Ecstatic Dance Tour 2019 (1
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